Unami - Your reliable SBA 8(a) supplier for LED lighting
Let LumenFocus and Unami provide a contracting solution for your next lighting project!
Unami is a 100 percent tribally owned company of the Delaware Nation. A subsidiary of Delaware Nation Industries (DNI), Unami is a general construction company with experience providing turnkey construction services, physical security, information technology, and other professional services.
As a tribally-owned Small Business Administration (SBA) certified 8(a) organization partnered with LumenFocus, Unami offers significant contracting solutions to help solve your urgent lighting needs.
Tribal SBA 8(a) companies are eligible to receive Department of Defense sole source contracts up to $100M with no Justification and Approval.
The Unami Process:

Customer decides to do a Tribal 8(a) Direct Award with a DNI company (Unami) and contacts agency contracting

Request for Proposal (RFP) is prepared and issued to Unami as a potential 8(a) Sole Source Award

Unami submits proposal in response to RFP

Contract is negotiated between Unami and agency followed by an award, THEN...

...Signed contract!

The advantage of contracting with Unami
The Tribal contracting process virtually guarantees the ability to negotiate a fair and reasonable price, with fewer uncertainties and in less time with the competitive bidding process.

Fast track the procurement process
Contracting with Unami is often faster and less costly than traditional procurement methods. Before a solicitation is announced, contracting officers can reach out to Unami to contract directly via a sole source award. This will significantly reduce the risk of protests, shorten the procurement cycle, and allow you to begin projects quickly.
The SBA 8(a) procurement process can accelerate the procurement cycle and provide rapid solutions to emerging program requirements.

What you get with Tribal SBA 8(a) sole source contracting:
- Companies are eligible to receive Department of Defense sole source contracts up to $100M with no Justification and Approval - non-DoD contracts are eligible up to $25M
- SBA 8(a) awards are not challenged - protests are not allowed
- Supports Alpha Contracting Streamlined Acquisitions: 14-30 days to award
- Alpha Contracting provides communication transparency to support fair and reasonable pricing
- Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) or IDIQs are an option
- Agencies holding existing orders off a GSA IDV such as Schedule, GWACs, and more, may exercise the authority provided in Section 3610 of the CARES Act
- Best-In-Class (BIC) vehicle OASIS can also allow sole source awards
- No need to go through SBA for OASIS contracts
CFR 124 SBA 8(a) Program Business Development/Small Disadvantaged Business Status Determinations:
- Tribe's special rules in the SBA 8(a) Program
- SBA 8(a) Sole Source Awards are not challenged - protests not allowed
Contact information
SBA point of contact: Stephanie Farris
Email: [email protected] | Oklahoma District Office | Lead Business Opportunity Specialist | 301 Northwest 6th Street, Suite 11 | Oklahoma City, OK 73102 | Phone: (405) 609-8010 | Fax: (202) 481-2732